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Which Piece Of Equipment Increases The Size Of A Current Produced In A Microphone?

Explore the true meaning of terms Which Piece Of Equipment Increases The Size Of A Current Produced In A Microphone? in the English language. Reveal the significance and context of popular terms. Expand your knowledge of the English language with our comprehensive term meanings. A microphone is a device that converts sound waves into electrical signals. Microphones use the, Acquire a deeper understanding into idioms and jargon. Begin your linguistic journey right now in Whatever Meaning!

A microphone is a device that converts sound waves into electrical signals. Microphones use the generator effect to induce a changing current from the pressure variations of sound waves. The diaphragm of a ribbon microphone uses a thin corrugated aluminum ribbon about 2 in (50 mm) in length and 0.5 in (2.5 mm) wide suspended in a strong magnetic field. As sound pressure variations displace the ribbon, it cuts across the magnetic field. This induces a voltage and produces a current that is proportional to the sound striking it .

The size of the current produced in a microphone can be increased by using an amplifier. An amplifier is an electronic device that increases the voltage, current, or power of a signal .

Here are some websites that discuss Which Piece Of Equipment Increases The Size Of A Current Produced In A Microphone?:
- [BBC Bitesize](
- [Made How](
- [BBC Bitesize](

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