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Which Of These Are Symbols In The Passage? Check All That Apply. Blood Ghosts Lioness Streets Caesar

Learn about the true meaning of terms Which Of These Are Symbols In The Passage? Check All That Apply. Blood Ghosts Lioness Streets Caesar in the English language. Find the significance and usage of popular terms. Broaden your awareness of the language with our comprehensive term meanings. In the given passage, words that represent symbols are **lioness**, **blood**, and **ghosts**. The, Obtain insight into idioms and specialized vocabulary. Begin your language journey now in Whatever Meaning!

In the given passage, words that represent symbols are **lioness**, **blood**, and **ghosts**. The lioness actually represents the violence and fighting taking place in the streets. The blood refers to the consequences of the conflict among soldiers, which led to many losses on both sides. The ghosts symbolize the loss of many soldiers' lives.

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