Explore the actual definition of vocabulary What Is The Meaning Of Pentecost in the English language. Find the essence and context of common phrases. Expand your knowledge of the English language with our comprehensive vocabulary explanations. What Is The Meaning Of Pentecost Pentecost is a Christian holiday that celebrates the descent of, Acquire a deeper understanding into slang and specialized vocabulary. Embark on your lexical journey now in Whatever Meaning!
What Is The Meaning Of Pentecost
Pentecost is a Christian holiday that celebrates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ. It is celebrated on the seventh Sunday after Easter Sunday. The word Pentecost comes from the Greek word pentekoste, which means fiftieth. This is because Pentecost occurs 50 days after Easter Sunday.
The story of Pentecost is told in the Bible in the book of Acts, chapter 2. According to the story, the Apostles were gathered together in Jerusalem when they suddenly heard a sound like a rushing wind. Then, tongues of fire appeared above their heads, and they began speaking in different languages. This event is known as the descent of the Holy Spirit.
The meaning of Pentecost is God’s equipping His church with the power of His Spirit so that He will be glorified among the nations. The point of Pentecost is mission, and the goal of mission is that “the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea” (Hab. 2:14).
Here are some websites that discuss What Is The Meaning Of Pentecost:
1. [Bible Study Tools](https://www.biblestudytools.com/bible-stories/pentecost-bible-story.html)
2. [Simple English Wikipedia](https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentecost)
3. [Bible.org](https://bible.org/seriespage/lesson-4-meaning-pentecost-acts-21-13)
4. [Christianity.com](https://www.christianity.com/wiki/holidays/what-is-the-deeper-meaning-of-pentecost.html)
5. [Cross Catholic Outreach](https://crosscatholic.org/blogs/2021/05/decoding-pentecost/)