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Riddor Meaning

Explore the actual interpretation of terms Riddor Meaning in the English language. Reveal the importance and context of frequently used terms. Broaden your awareness of the language with our comprehensive vocabulary explanations. **RIDDOR meaning** RIDDOR stands for **Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences, Obtain a deeper understanding into colloquial expressions and specialized vocabulary. Embark on your language journey now in Whatever Meaning!

**RIDDOR meaning**

RIDDOR stands for **Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations**. It is a law in the UK that requires companies and all those deemed ‘responsible persons’ to both report and maintain records of any workplace accidents or work-related injury. The US equivalent of RIDDOR is an OSHA Recordable.

The RIDDOR regulations apply to all employers, the self-employed and people in control of work premises. The regulations require employers to report certain types of incidents that occur at work. These include work-related deaths, major injuries, over-three-day injuries (where an employee has been unable to work for more than three days), work-related diseases and dangerous occurrences.

The RIDDOR regulations have been updated several times since their introduction in 1985. The latest update was in 2013.

Here are some websites that discuss RIDDOR meaning:
- [EcoOnline](
- [College of Contract Management](
- [Quizlet](
- [Glosbe](
- [Wordow](

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